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Custom Reports
Registered users logged into their my pages have access to the My Custom Reports page.
The My Custom Report page provides a place for you to bookmark your favorite custom reports and have them easily accessible from your homepage.
Keeping a list of your most visited pages in the My Custom Reports portlet can save you time by making information readily accessible thus diminishing the need to navigate through the site on a regular basis. Please note that the bookmarked page will display the latest market news data for the timeframe specified which is available in the system.
To add a bookmark to your My Favorites portlet, navigate to the desired report and click the "Save to My Custom Reports" link in the "Options" section of the report header. You may also name a bookmark with a name of your choice.
Delete these links by clicking on the edit button in your My Favorites portlet then removing them in the next screen that will be displayed.
If you are a registered user viewing your version of the homepage (i.e. are logged in), you have the option of not displaying the My Custom Reports portlet on your personal homepage.
To close the portlet, click on the close (X) button.