About Market News
Portal Help
Tips for First Time Users
Welcome to the Dairy News portal. This portal was developed in order to facilitate faster dissemination of information to Dairy users. This portal will provide you with real-time and historical information on the various traded Dairy Commodities.
As you utilize the Dairy Market News portal here are some tips we hope you find useful:
Tip #1
Dairy MNP Custom Reports display in dynamic HTML, not static text, and can also be downloaded in a variety of formats including: Excel (.xls), XML, Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), and text (.txt) reports.
Tip #2
Access to the Dairy Market News portal and information is free to the public. You are not required to register, although we suggest you do so if you are interested in taking advantage of extended site features including:
- Add bookmarks to your homepage to easily access current information on subsequent returns to the site
- Save bookmarks with customized names
- Email yourself or someone else links to custom reports or reports in multiple formats
- Run custom reports, such as querying one location for prices on commodities or locations
- Save your custom reports for reuse
- Modify information appearing on your customized home page
Tip #3
No need to call headquarters or the local market news reporter to receive historical data reports. Utilize the Run a Custom Report wizard to quickly access any combination of data since 2000.
Tip #4
The help section provides portal assistance as well as information on how to read the Dairy Market News data.
Tip #5
In most cases, use the back button to navigate back to a previous page. When working on custom reports, however, select the Edit Query button after a report has been run to return the query selection screen. The original query criteria will be automatically loaded.