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Quality includes size, color, shape, texture, cleanness, freedom from defects, and other more permanent physical properties of a product which can affect its market value.

The following terms, when used in connection with “quality,” are interpreted as meaning:


Better than good. Superior in appearance, color, and other quality factors.


In general, stock which has a high degree of merchantability with a small percentage of defects. This term includes U.S. No. 1 stock, generally 85 percent U.S. No. 1 or better quality on some commodities, such as tomatoes.


Having a higher percentage of defects than “good”. From a quality standpoint, having roughly 75 percent U.S. No. 1 quality with some leeway in either direction.


Having a heavy percentage of defects as compared to “good”. Roughly 50 to 65 percent U.S. No. 1 quality.


Having a heavy percentage of defects, with a low degree of salability, except to “low priced” trade. More than 50 percent grade defects.

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